Saint Louise de Marillac: Saint of the Day, March 15

Saint Louise de Marillac: Saint of the Day, March 15

Louise was born on 12th August, 1591, at Meux, France. She lost her mother when she was still a child and her father, when she was 15. She wanted to become a nun, but her confessor discouraged that and arranged her marriage. Thus, in 1611, she got married to Antony LeGras, an official to the queen and she had a son from this union. Louise soon found herself nursing her beloved husband as he fell ill, which finally led to his death in 1625.

Louis was lucky to have Saint Vincent de Paul as her confessor. As for him, she was the perfect answer to his prayers for a suitable person to carry out his missionary activities. She had established an order called the 'Daughters of Charity of St. Vincent de Paul' in 1642. Furthermore, she founded the 'Sisters of Charity' as well, took her vows in the order and served as its superior until her death.

Many of the young women who joined her were illiterate. However, they undertook the care of neglected children. Louise was busy helping wherever needed, despite her poor health. She travelled throughout France, establishing her community members in hospitals, orphanages and other institutions. At her death on March 15, 1660, the congregation had more than 40 houses in France. Six months later, Vincent de Paul followed her in death.

Her body was found incorrupt. Louise was canonized in 1934 and declared patroness of social workers in 1960.

Other Saints of the Day
1. Saint Clement Mary Hofbauer
2. Pope Saint Zachary
3. Saint Aristobulus of Britannia
4. Saint Menignus of Parium
5. Saint Leocritia of Cordoba

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