Afghanistan limits girls education to Grade Six

Afghanistan limits girls education to Grade Six

Kabul, Afghanistan - The hard-line leadership of Afghanistan’s new government has decided against opening educational institutions to girls beyond Grade six. The announcement came from a Taliban official on Wednesday, the first day of Afghanistan’s new school year.

The decision is a major setback for girls’ education in the country. The international community has been urging the Taliban leaders to open schools and give women their right to public space.

The unexpected decision came late on Tuesday as Afghanistan’s education ministry prepared for the new year opening of school. The new academic year was thought to herald the return of girls to school. A statement by the ministry earlier in the week urged “all students” to come to school.

The decision however, to postpone a return of girls going to school in higher levels appeared to be a concession to the rural and deeply tribal backbone of the hardline Taliban movement, that in many parts of the countryside are reluctant to send their daughters to school.

Girls were banned from school beyond Grade 6 in most of the country since the Taliban returned to power in mid-August. Universities opened up earlier this year in much of the country. A handful of provinces continued to provide education to all, however most provinces closed educational institutions for girls and women.

In the capital Kabul private schools and universities have operated uninterrupted.

“The leadership hasn’t decided when or how they will allow girls to return to school,” said Waheedullah Hashmi, external relations and donor representative with the Taliban-led administration. While he accepted that urban centers are mostly supportive of girls education, much of rural Afghanistan is opposed, particularly in tribal Pashtun regions.

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